
Friday, 21 January 2011

Decisions, decisions....

Well, today was...interesting! Today was the first day back at the market since before Christmas, I knew it was going to be quiet but it was REALLY quiet! We woke up this morning to a hard frost which always puts people of coming into town. Although it was extremely pretty to look at, and I could have quite happily spent all day walking and taking pictures, it made the paths really slippy and it was very cold.

So... nobody was selling much, my day was only saved by one lady buying the lighthouse wall hanging which has been in my Folksy shop for ages! I was beginning to wonder if it was worth carrying on until maybe Easter when people have recovered from Christmas and are starting to spend again!! I was just sitting there looking across at the little sewing shop opposite my table, thinking ..'it would be quite nice to work in there'.....when over comes one of the girls from the shop and tells me she is buying the shop from the present owners and is looking for staff to help her, would I be interested? Weird or what!!? Anyway the upshot I or don't I??

I know I will probably be earning more, on average, in the shop, also knowing that it will be a regular amount rather than somewhat irregular amounts! The people in the shop are lovely and it's a great little shop anyway and still in the indoor market so still part of the community there, which is great. The hours are less than I spend on my market stall now. I will still be doing what I do online and at Craft Fayres anyway, this would just take over my market day.  There is also possibilities of selling some of my smaller items there as well .....can I really say no??

The only downside is that I will be working for someone else....something I've not done in quite a while now.

Mmmm maybe I've just made the decision!!!    


  1. Ooh, do it, Naomi. You'll only wonder what if, if you don't. You can always pack it in if you don't like it, and you are still your own boss online.

  2. I agree - try it. Sounds like fate to me :-)

    Well done for selling your lighthouse wallhanging, even though it was quiet. I loved that wallhanging. I just don't have any money :(
    When I'm a wealthy lady (HA!) I shall commission you to make more :-)
